
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/18/2009 11:56:09 am PST

re: #413 karmic_inquisitor

You mean like the military commission that Eric Holder and the President want for Al Nashiri? One of those?

Well that is the same fucking commission that KSM was in front of when Obama and Holder (in violation of his right to a speedy trial) aborted so he could be dragged to a trial in New York. One that will be a public spectacle. Isn’t that a violation of the Geneva Conventions?

No where did I say that military tribunals were a priori wrong.

I have said again and again that these men needed to be tried in a speedy, fair and legitimate manner. The botch that was done under Bush, by purposefully bending, breaking and evading our own principles is part of what needs to be cleaned up now. The fewer questions that we have about the actual guilt of these men, or that we are actually acting the way American ideals say we should the better.

I am so sick and tired of the wingnut meme, that it isn’t torture if we do it, that it isn’t an abrogation of the principles we stand for when we break them or that the law only applies when we say it does.

We destroyed the village to save the village does not wash.