
Oh Come On! Luca Stricagnoli Slays "Stairway to Heaven" on More Than One Acoustic Guitar at the Same Time

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/27/2021 8:18:36 pm PDT

re: #43 plansbandc

The entire arc in late American history that started in the 1960’s with “women’s lib”, to the 70’s with birth control pills and abortion, to 80’s with gay rights (and AIDS battles), to the current trans-arguments… are in direct conflict with the fundamentalist Christian (and not just Christian but other religions) beliefs about the roles of gender and sexual activity.

Note: even European paganism had its taboos about sex, even if they were less uptight about them than the Christians.

Modernism is the destruction of traditional religions. This is why the “nones” (those who don’t want to identify with a traditional religion nor do they want to be atheists) have very wishy washy beliefs. Modernism doesn’t allow for the rigid walls of fundamentalism. So people create soft religions, that are not so brittle as to break under the hammer of modernity.