
Aoife O'Donovan: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Belafon5/10/2022 5:03:08 am PDT

re: #30 Targetpractice

There has to be more, there can’t just be speeches and statements and a single futile vote for which the spoilers will face no consequences of any note. The party has to go for broke and they have to start doing it soon. It’s not enough to just express “disappointment” or “disagreement” or whatever milquetoast word they use to excuse not holding Manchin and Sinema to task, they need to start cracking the whip and damn the consequences. Oh well, we didn’t get to seat any more judges before November, you ain’t gonna seat any more judges after November if you don’t show the voters that you mean business.

And if that puts “pro-life” Dems running for reelection on the spot, oh-fuckin’-well. It’s 2022, they need to be given a lesson on putting their personal beliefs aside to do their jobs as representatives of the people’s will. Get them out there on the stump to declare that while they are “pro-life,” it’s not going to prevent them from supporting the party if the leadership puts forward a pro-choice bill. They can make their peace with whichever sky deity they like once the job is done.

I love the sentiment but Manchin. He’s done the calculus and decided he can just keep doing what he does. Everyone keeps acting like the party can do things to them. If Biden shows up to West Virginia to campaign against Manchin, what happens? Nothing, because Manchin isn’t running. What whip is there?