
Major Science Organizations Send Letter to US Senate on Climate Change

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/22/2009 1:12:02 pm PDT

re: #17 Conservative Moonbat

OK, let me rephrase that. Is it the assumption that it will require big government solutions?

It’s that to some. Many hit a wall when all proposed solutions to a problem look exactly like the left’s “wish list” that they throw out as the solution to every problem. They wont get past that to look at science because they run into the smell of a left-wing bullshit power and money grab way before they get to any science. This stops a lot of otherwise rational people from being rational on this issue.

Others are paid shills for backward thinking energy companies who believe they are in the “coal” or “oil” sector rather than the “energy” sector.

Finally there are those who think the antichrist is working his way to power… somewhere… today. They think that Jesus coming back and fixing everything will occur within their lifetimes so they don’t need to worry about anything else.