
Nice Words from Colmes

keloyd1/24/2010 8:10:04 pm PST

This grudging respect between Colmes and Charles is more evidence that the old “right” and “left” wing camps are breaking down, imho. You know we’re facing a new realignment of politics when a prominent 79 year old Republican state senator (and pharmacist) introduces 2 bills legalizing marijuana link

In 1988 West Virginia was poor and white - so they went for Dukakis, the Democrat. In 2008 WV was poor and white - so they went for McCain, the Republican.

Being Episcopalian, wealthy and educated used to make you Republican, now it makes you recoil from the populist harangues of the most powerful Republican personalities on radio and Fox News. (For the record, I am 1 of those 3 things, and just barely.)

If it is human nature to divide into factions, and “2” seems to be the most stable number of warring camps, how will we realign and what will we call ourselves next?