
Fox Business Host Wants Obama to Be Tortured

Charleston Chew5/05/2011 11:20:41 am PDT

Truthful, unbiased data is clearly an advantage in business. So I have to wonder what kind of “business people” would actually watch the clearly propagandistic Fox Business (and to a lesser extent sources like CNBC and the Wall Street Journal).

Are the people who watch it simply too stupid to see that truth is a strategic advantage in a competitive environment?

Or is all “business” news actually “for entertainment purposes only”, and the people who watch it no more “business” people than a person who goes to a gun show is a Navy SEAL?

I don’t know which disturbs me more: the idea of a business fantasist who watches this boring stuff for entertainment, or someone in a prominent role in a large company too stupid to know that being fed non-stop lies is very bad for business.