
Justice Scalia's Right Wing Rant

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/25/2012 1:13:53 pm PDT

re: #35 Daniel Ballard

What Scalia won’t address, in part because it is not his job to do so from the bench, but also probably because his own position on this issue is clouded with tangential issues from the bigger view of law and morality, are the specifics of what is happening in Arizona as far as society, and the morality (or lack thereof) behind the creation and execution of bills like SB1070.

That the AZ law was birthed out of the venom of a known racist person/group, and that it puts on paper only the beginning of a very ugly turn in AZ political/legislative life, ought to be a concern of anyone who cares about life in these United States.

But Scalia is blind to this, for good or bad. His concern over the “sovereignty” of AZ is misplaced, IMO.