
Dr. Ben Carson's Novel Idea for a "Compromise" on Gay Marriage

CuriousLurker6/24/2014 5:40:37 pm PDT

re: #434 Rightwingconspirator

I’m getting to a 24hour rule on any and all internet outrages. I’m just so done with clickbait crapola. That and ratings rants. BBC America and Al Jaz America are now my TV news sources. That’s it. Often enough anymore the TV is off and I’m running a playlist on Spotify.

Same here. I was thinking earlier that as a society we seem to crave the snake oil—the fast/easy/cheap cure, the Jerry Springer outrageous outrages & clickbait headlines, always sort of skimming the info… never looking at anything too deeply as that requires more than a 24-hour attention span. Now that everything including the news media is basically corporate-owned, financial profitability seems to be the driving factor for, well, for everything.

Example: Yesterday I got a call from a doctor, a specialist, that I last saw over a year ago. The doctor himself was okay, but I didn’t like the practice—it felt like a factory, very…. I can’t find the word I’m looking for. Anyway, I got an automated call from his office today saying, “We haven’t seen you in over a year, and we’re concerned about your health….” Really? You’re so concerned that you had that goddamned automated system call me and talk to me in a computer-effing-generated voice? You’re billing what, several hundred dollars an hour? And you can’t pay someone to pick up the phone?? Screw that. I’m not going back there.