
The Dumbest Man on the Internet Should Be Embarrassed by This, but He Won't Be

SpaceCowboy8/08/2014 12:23:33 am PDT

re: #377 teleskiguy

As I’ve grown older I’ve come to the realization that “conservatism” is a rather infantile way of thinking: there’s no shades of grey,..>

People who point out that the Global Warming predictions from five, ten, twenty and forty years ago have pretty much not happened are compared to people who deny the Holocaust happened. Many Liberals refuse to allow prayer meetings in schools. Tea Party members are dismissed as racist hate mongers without, well, any real proof.

Above all, the Left is not able to string together a serious argument. I’ve had dozens of conversations on this thread, and not one offered a thought worth considering.

You’re living in the past, my friend. These days, liberals are the political equivalent of Pat Boone, while Conservatives are Little Richard. The conversations over at Gateway Pundit are a hundred times more interesting than anything you guys can spit out. Congrats, you’ve become everything you used to hate.