
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

Birth Control Works12/10/2013 8:55:56 am PST

re: #437 ObserverArt

I think you are doing a little word dancing too. Splitting some hairs. Lets say it this way. When you hear someone say assault rifle what do you think of? I’m pretty sure when you hear it you know exactly what is being describe.

Sometimes a word or term gains a definition by use. Think Kleenex or Crescent wrench…used to be common to call a copy a Xerox. They are a tissue, an adjustable wrench and a photo copy.

Plus, you can’t tell me that all of those rifles being bought are for sport either. It is fashion driven by stupid paranoia in addition to some bravura tossed in to prove some kind of point about being a real American. I bet many of those owners are happy to call them assault rifles. Sounds more bad ass.

I understand your point, but is it realistic?

Still, the point was that the Gun Industry is using the Constitution for profit, not to ensure civil rights. They have a propaganda machine that is really a marketing machine called THE NRA.