
Sunday Night Open

MJ2/08/2009 7:27:55 pm PST

Vatican is moving in the right direction:

Holocaust - Denier Removed From Argentine Seminary

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An ultra-traditionalist Roman Catholic bishop who has drawn sharp criticism from the Vatican and Jewish groups for denying the extent of the Holocaust was removed as the head of an Argentine seminary, a Catholic Church official said on Sunday.

Pope Benedict angered Jewish leaders and progressive Catholics last month when he lifted excommunications on the bishop, Richard Williamson, and three other traditionalists to try to heal a 20-year-old schism within the Church.

The Vatican has since ordered the bishop to publicly recant his views questioning whether the Nazis used gas chambers and the number of Jews who died.

But Williamson, who is British-born, recently told Germany’s Spiegel magazine he must first review historical evidence before considering an apology….

They still need to taken the next step though and rid the Church of him entirely.