
The Moronic Convergence of ID Creationism and Islamic Creationism

Afton5/16/2009 3:47:55 pm PDT

Fast forward to 2016:

Won’t it be rewarding to know, as we trudge off in single file in our government issued grey wool union suits to the windmill fields to plant beets amongst the bearers of electricity, that we successfully kept those nasty old ID’ers from teaching this slop to 8th graders in science class.

What a sense of relief it will give us to know that when we sit down to read five times a day from our Little Purple Book of Obama we stopped the scourge of that ugly far right.

And as we bask in the glory of knowing that The One has successfully been elected to his Third Term as President we can all huddle around the corn burner at night and tell the children of the great Revolution of 2011 when the Keepers of the Constitution were defeated and the Workers Party of America (WPA) prevailed - science had been protected and the evangelicals had been banished to their catacombs never to see the light of day again. Hallelujah!