
Sharp Increase in Threats, Violence Against Census Workers

William Lewis6/20/2010 10:20:36 am PDT

I’ve gotten a fair bit of hostility from people as an enumerator but no real threats. One help has been carrying my little pocket copy of the Constitution (from the Cato Institute :) so that I can show people the text from Article 1 Section 2 “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.” The last bit is the important part for defusing most objections - they claim we can’t ask about X or Y or Z but it’s very clear that the Congress can decide as they wish about it.

We’re finishing up today with the non-response follow up. Next is verifying the places listed as either vacant or not housing units really are such. That shouldn’t freak anyone out… I hope.
