
Gov. Christie, Another GOP Climate Change Denier

palomino11/10/2010 3:34:50 pm PST

Just in case anyone wonders what a general “anti-science” viewpoint looks and sounds like, here’s a comment from the article linked to above.

ah, yes, the name calling. until 100 years ago evolution was not accepted by you scientists. and you THINK that dinosaurs went extinct because a meteor hit the planet. in the meantime you can’t even explain how a bumble bee can fly. when you figure that out let me know. every era of scientists thought they had all the answers, they don’t. you don’t. the next era won’t. only one thing has ever been proven, and that is at some point we die. in the meantime stop forcing us to believe your latest theories.

Yes, scientists should stop all their research and publication regarding facts because ego-deficient regresssives feel like they’re being “forced to believe” in science.