
“Human Rights Community” Agrees: Gilad Shalit Should Remain in Captivity « Commentary Magazine

researchok6/25/2011 9:34:48 pm PDT

re: #45

Let’s not do that with, you know, genuine facts.
re: #42 000G

If that’s the right story, then the boy was actually detained. The family says he was battered and they weren’t told where he was; the police say the detention was accomplished according to law.

That story doesn’t rise to the level of “ample evidence” that Lobengula claims he gave us. There are no photos; nothing but conflicting stories, each side with a story that serves their purpose. Frankly, just from seeing a long history of fabrications from the Palestinian side, I tend to give more weight to the police’s story in this one.

Let’s be realistic- there isn’t a whole lot Lobengula can hang his hat on- certainly nothing more than allegations.

This isn’t about Israel.

Like those of his ilk before him, the portrayal of certain groups has to be manipulated so that the hatred can be fostered.