
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/31/2009 12:51:42 pm PST

What bothers me is people look at the statement and don’t really get what it means. Ahmadinejad says the the Holocaust did not happen. Therefore Israel has no right to exist. He frames his comments about Israel in language that is no different than the words used by Hitler and the Nazis. Israel is “filthy,” control the banks and the press, and since the Holocaust did not happen, Israel’s use of genocide and ethnic cleansing justifies ANY measure by Muslims.

Historical truth did not stop Hitler, it won’t stop this guy either.

People use words for a reason, when I say I am going out it means I am going out not please turn up the radio. He is building as high a rhetorical wall as he can for himself. His only interest in negotiating with the US is to run out the clock to get the bomb. The goal is the bomb. The goal is to be the first nuclear armed terror state. The ultimate goal is the destruction of the US and Israel.

Ahmadinejad knows what I know- the new President is a putz for reaching out to him. The only language Iran understands is brute force. You don’t treat them like equals you treat them like scum. You tell them, termninate your nuke program or we do it for you. First we are going to blockade your ports then we will bomb. No choice, dismantle or blockade. If we have to bomb, we will destroy your regime.

The Ayatollahs have power and they want more of it.

Unless they are stopped, millions of people are going to die.