
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

Birth Control Works9/10/2014 8:46:35 am PDT

re: #455 HappyWarrior

Did anyone see what our VP had to say about Rice by the way? Saw this on a friend’s facebook timeline. I don’t care what people say about Biden. Yeah he’ll put his foot in his mouth sometimes but he’s at his heart a great man and a true leader and I wish he wasn’t going to be 73 on inauguration day in 2017 because I would very much to see him president.
It’s never, never, never the woman’s fault. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. No means no. […] The one regret I have is we call it domestic violence as if it’s a domesticated cat. It is the most vicious form of violence there is, because not only the physical scars are left, the psychological scars that are left. This whole culture for so long has put the onus on the woman. What were you wearing? What did you say? What did you do to provoke? That is never the appropriate question.

Biden probably knows first hand. IIRC, his father was an alcoholic. The two often go hand-in-hand.