
The Return of the John Birch Society

iceweasel6/28/2009 1:46:11 pm PDT

re: #429 Killgore Trout

Thanks for posting that. That’s the kind of thing I see as anti-Americanism.

Yes. I had no idea of the extensively crazy history behind the Texas Nationalist Movement, nor of their involvement in terrorist activities in the 90’s

he Texas Nationalist Movement is not a random group. In a 2005 article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a spokesperson for the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] described the secession movement in Texas as “very hard-line anti-government groups whose views involve anti-government conspiracy theories.” Their associates have been responsible for numerous acts and attempted acts of terrorism.

… During the last two decades, members of the Republic of Texas have been arrested numerous times in the course of planning - or carrying out - what can only be described as domestic terrorism:

* In 1997, Richard McLaren, former president of the Republic of Texas, kidnapped his neighbors leading to a week-long standoff between the police and “antigovernment separatists.” The standoff ended when McLaren and his four followers surrendered. “After the surrender, a sixth Republic member [was] killed in a gun battle with police, while a seventh elude[d] authorities for four months before being captured.”

o During the standoff, McLaren told the New York Times: “We are at war with the United Nations and all foreign entities. We are not at war with the American people, but we are at war with the Federal agencies which have no jurisdiction here.” Another Republic of Texas member, who identified himself as Lieut. Richard Keys of the Republic of Texas Defense Forces, said the hostages “were prisoners of war, held under provisions of the Geneva Convention.”

* Prior to the standoff in 1997, the New York Times reported that the Republic of Texas demanded “$92 trillion in ‘war reparations’ from the Federal Government, and it has ‘ordered’ Gov. George W. Bush and all state legislators to vacate the Capitol building in Austin


Etc. I’m hanging onto this link for when this comes up again. Interesting that the leader of the TNM admits outright that the Tea Parties are seen as prime places for them to recruit.