
Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

Dark_Falcon1/10/2013 9:54:23 am PST

Asshole cartoonist Carlos Latuff is at it again:

A Brazilian cartoonist hit back at the Simon Wiesenthal Center for his inclusion on its top 10 slur list.

Carlos Latuff recently published a cartoon of the center’s founder, Rabbi Marvin Hier, awarding Latuff a medal in response to the center’s publication in December of a list of the top 10 anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slurs of 2012. Third on the list was Latuff’s caricature of Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu squeezing votes out of the body of a dead Arab child.

In the cartoon, an aggravated Hier presents a beaming Latuff with a medal that says “3rd” as Latuff sits on a chair drawing an airplane indiscriminately bombing Gaza. Hanging above Hier’s right ear are two lightning bolts.

Petra Marquardt-Bigman, a historian and blogger for The Jerusalem Post, noted that the bolts are the symbol of the SS – an elite Nazi unit.

Latuff said the two flat S letters are a “cartoon representation of headache.”

This fuckhead makes Ted Rall look good.