
Tuesday Evening Music: They Might Be Giants, 'Your Racist Friend'

Mich-again9/22/2009 7:54:18 pm PDT

re: #438 Charles

I found a pdf of American Renaissance from 2002 featuring an article by Burke C. Dabney, (RSM’s pseudonym) that made the case that the efforts to slow the rate of teenage pregnancy is really a secret plot to reduce the white population.

The “success” of such propaganda only accelerates the decline of the white population. If crusaders against teenage motherhood were serious, they would concentrate on the black and Hispanic girls who account for more than half of teenage births. Targeting whites as part of a general campaign is yet another form of racial suicide. We should encourage whites to have children within marriage; instead they are encouraged only to use contraceptives, whether married or single.

Burke Dabney is the Internet penname of a writer based in Washington,
DC. He has four children.

Behold the new hero of the right wing blogosphere.