
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Sitting in Vomit

ericblair4/29/2020 9:45:51 am PDT

re: #392 Teukka

Well, what’s most likely is the ICC presenting the United States with an ultimatum:
Either you try him and/or his henchmen, or we do.
And as you point out, he and his underlings are in hot water outside of the executive branch of the United States.
You may think it unlikely, but there have to and fro been murmors about criminals from the big nations getting away with crimes, and criminals from small nations getting harsh punishment, so there is certainly a will to make an example that no-one is above the law.
And even though Darth Orange will never see any sanctions for his behavior, his underlings may, and the proceedings themselves may forever tarnish his reputation.

The US is not a signatory to the ICC. However, crimes against humanity, like piracy, are considered to have universal jurisdiction, which means that any nation could try an accused regardless of nationality or where in the world the offence was committed. So, any country that has the laws in place for it could arrest him and try him in their national court system. I think Dick Cheney has been pretty careful about where he travels.