
The African Baby Boom and Bush's Abstinence Programs

Dark_Falcon12/13/2009 11:09:46 pm PST

re: #466 Fenway_Nation

So all that aid and money the Bush Administration sent to Africa is some sort of sooper seekrit dominionist plot to take over Africa? And those countries can’t be backwards and mysoginist without help from the religous right?

And Bono (notorious right-wing shill tht he is) was in on it this whole time?

Well, we’ve already established that life under the most anti-science eVar Bush Administration, with its insidious donations to poor countries, was akin to life in the dark ages.

What exactly did the Bush administion do right? Anything? Anybody wanna take a shot at viewing 2000-2009 through the magical 20/20 hindsight glasses?

I still say that Bush was a better president than we’re likely to see in Obama.