
Felix Baumgartner's 24-Mile High Space Jump, Captured by His GoPro Camera

lawhawk1/31/2014 6:44:05 pm PST

re: #37 Charles Johnson

44 Presidents, but many related to each other, starting from right off the bat.

VP John Adams becomes second President. His son, John Quincy Adams, becomes the 6th President.

The Roosevelts were cousins. FDR was related in one way or another to 11 other presidents.

The Harrisons were related (grandfather/grandson).

JFK’s brother Robert had presidential ambitions of his own before being assassinated. Teddy also had presidential ambitions, but could never get out of the primaries.

GHW Bush was VP and later became 41st President. His son George W, became 43rd President.

Now, we’re seeing that potentially include the Clintons. And the Bush family with a third member.

As exclusive a club as the presidency, when you realize just how many were related to others, the numbers are even smaller. And I don’t think it is healthy in the long term either. I get that some folks are devoted to public service, but the nation needs fresh blood in the WH, not a resumption of one of two families (Bush/Clinton). There’s got to be more - and better - out there.