
Vatican Trying to Reconcile Science and Religion

mapchic2/28/2009 12:27:15 pm PST

I don’t understand why anyone thinks that the Catholic Church is hostile to science. The Catholic Church has throughout the centuries supported the study of science. If you read the Catechism it is very supportive of scientific research “. Many, many great scientists were (and are) Catholic. In particular many of them were vowed religious - Copernicus, Mendel, Lemaitre (first to propose the ‘big bang theory’) and a whole raft of Jesuits.

Much of the basic science which we know today was first studied by clerics and laypeople who worked with the support of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church NEVER condemned Darwin. Even today if we consider the Catholic schools around the world we can see that the Catholic Church is still working to advance scientific knowledge.

I know that Charles is very interested in this subject lately… and that’s great. However, I (as a Catholic) wish that people would top saying ‘Christians’ are anit-evolution. I am a Catholic Christian who totally believes in evolution… they are not in conflict at all according to my beliefs and the beliefs of my Church. It is a minority of Christians who believe otherwise.