
Anti-Choice Fanatics Enforce De Facto Abortion Ban in Wichita

webevintage2/16/2011 4:34:55 pm PST

Am I the only woman who is beginning to feel just worn down by the conservative war on women?
This last month has just been exhausting emotionally and mentally for me.

They just can’t leave us the fuck alone.
If it is not ridiculous requirements for abortion then it is bills that allow someone to kill abortion providers or it is the realization that even a woman who might die if she does not get an abortion may someday be unable to find a Dr. to perform the procedure in her area of the country or these the try to redefine what rape is or the next thing you know they are going after access to contraception.

The only thing I can hope for is that all of this will prove to those young gals out there who like to say “I’m not a feminist” that yeah, you really are one if you want to continue to have autonomy when it comes to your womb.

ERA anyone?