
Tea Partiers and Fundamentalists in Romney Panic

HAL20101/11/2012 11:03:53 am PST
The campaign has disavowed a 2002 Gay Pride flyer championing equal rights on behalf of Romney and his running mate Kerry Healey. If they could airbrush history to remove the evidence, they would. But Josh Barro, a former Romney volunteer, says the Romney camp is full of it:

A former intern to Mitt Romney publicly stated on Monday that as a candidate for governor in 2002, the Massachusetts Republican did authorize and disseminate flyers championing equal rights for gay citizens. The statement, made by the Manhattan Institute’s Josh Barro to Buzzfeed, directly contradicts what Romney’s top Baywindowsspokesman Eric Ferhnstrom told The Huffington Post on Sunday.

He also planned to take part in the 2002 Pride parade.


Right-wing freakout in 3 … 2 … 1 …