
Israel Considers Giving Bloggers Journalist Credentials

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/25/2009 1:52:10 pm PDT

re: #399 SixDegrees

There are already continent-spanning pipeline systems in place that move vast quantities of resources across the nation. None of them cost anywhere near a single trillion dollars.

Please take a deep breath. You’re verging on hysteria here.

That is very, very insulting.

I am not verging on hysteria. What you are doing is failing to understand the magnitude of what you are suggesting.

I just calculated that the SW will need on order 4 billion litres per day, if the people their conserve water.

Now let’s look at the cost of transport…

The Alaska pipeline for instance is 800 miles long, and in 1977, cost 8 billion. That is over 100 billion in today’s money. I don’t know the exact amount, but let’s say 100 billion for a round estimate.

It pumps much, much fewer than 3-billion liters per day.

BUt the real key issue is that it is only 800 miles long… How many more miles of pipe do you think you would need to lay to adequately deal with just one state? Do you think it is 10x? or perhaps 100x? Right, you will need a branching network… How long do you think that is over every population center in five states?

guess what - it is more like 1000x as long if you add up all the pipe.

And we need to account for the fact that we are pumping up hill and all the desalination.

So, 1000 X 100 billion is 100 trillion dollars.

And this is for the SW. We would spend more of our money on LA and the problems of sea level rise there than we would on the people we would just ask to evacuate places like Arizona.

So please, do the math and don’t insult me by claiming I am being hysterical. I am not. PLease don’t try to brush everything I am saying away, but just calling it a name and pretending you can ignore it.