
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

473 7:08:36 pm PDT

re: #443 windsagio

Not to be a jerk, but ‘healthcare’ isn’t a right either, even under the new reforms.

I’m not denying that there are costs to having illegal immigrants around (altho’ I think they’re greatly exaggerated), but rather objecting to the crazy hyperbole being foisted off on us.

Well, I get confused.
Sometimes healthcare is a “right”, other times it isn’t
It certainly contributes to a citizen’s quality of life, which is reduced when a nearby facility must close because it’s broke.

The bottom line - these folks aren’t going away. They’re here. Their children are here. There must be a way to give them some sort of legal standing to come here and work. I think there are plenty of solutions; I think that many businesses and politicians find it’s in their best interest to oppose any effort to give these folks any sort of legal standing.