
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Bagua11/18/2009 12:02:05 pm PST

re: #393 LudwigVanQuixote

Water boarding is not torture?

OK, it was a war crime during the second world war. It was considered torture, byt the U.S. at the tokyo trials. About a dozen journalists tried it and they came out gasping that yes indeed it is torture. The Nazis and the Kmer Rouge considered it torture. American Marines died under it in Japanese hands when it went wrong and it was murder and torture then… But ok, stick to the crazy, foolish, utterly wrong meme that somehow it is just a walk in the park.

It was one of the things that made Andersonville such a horror as well.

To say it is not torture is simply an ignorant and painful lie. Every military in the world knows this is torture.

Next, you will be telling me that a triangle has four sides.

You just argue the same tripe over and over again like a parrot.

Who cares what some “journalists who tried it” thought? The very fact they were able to sip their cappuccinos and write their subversive nonsense proves they were not harmed. So they gasped, oh dear, the horror, the humanity.

The Japanese were soldiers under completely different rules from the terrorist scum.

Compare the American military to the Nazis and Kmer Rough? That is contemptible and dishonest.

But hey, have fun with your anti-American terrorist sympathizing ignorance and demonisation of Bush and American Patriots protecting your life and right to keep repeating falsehoods and propaganda.