
Friday Night Plumbing Thread

Cato the Elder1/23/2009 7:08:27 pm PST

re: #385 esch

Heh, reminds me of ‘About Schmidt’

Nobody tells me how to use the facilities. I’d tell them to fuck off.

Found this in an old Mark Steyn piece:

Stehpinkeln—standing while urinating—is disapproved of in Germany, to the point where toilets can now be fitted with voice alarms triggered when the seat is raised. “Hey, stand-peeing is not allowed here and will be punished with fines, so if you don’t want any trouble, you’d best sit down,” orders the “toilet ghost” in a voice that imitates former chancellor Gerhard Schrder.

The notion of German government leaders commanding you in the privacy of your own home to urinate like a woman seems almost too poignant an image of the peculiarly European blend of state-enforced docility. In contrast to the swaggering Texan cowboy, it’s the Last Stand of the EU-Corraled. Yet millions of these devices have been sold and Klaus Schwerma has written a book on the phenomenon called Stehpinkeln: Die Letzte Bastion der Mnnlichkeit?—or “Standing Urinators: The Last Bastion of Masculinity?”