
Video: Jon Stewart Cuts Loose on Wolf Blitzer and the Rest of Our Feckless Media

Citizen K4/30/2015 10:21:04 am PDT

Internet Racists Are Pretending to Be Black Looters in Baltimore

If you look at the #BaltimoreLootCrew hashtag, you’ll see what looks like Baltimore residents—all black—bragging about things they’ve stolen during this week’s civil unrest. But none of these photos are real. Instead, it’s the work of 8chan-affiliated white supremacists, bubbling over the sort of message board fecal matter that would’ve been confined to /b/ in the era before social media. Those were the days! Now, malicious falsehoods have been democratized.

The worst thing about it is that it’ll work, enough to fool enough people and pull them completely away from any sort of rational response to whatever happens next in Baltimore.