
The African Baby Boom and Bush's Abstinence Programs

Fenway_Nation12/13/2009 11:35:23 pm PST

re: #474 Dark_Falcon

What? Nothing to say regarding one Ms. Bettie Mae Page?

All of those observations are true (except for preventing the Red Sox from winning a WS- already happened twice in my lifetime and during many of those years, the Boss was his own worst enemy with his overbearing and egomaniacal ownership style). I tend to loathe the Yankees organization and their fans because until 2004, taunting us about our dead relatives was fair game for a good number of them.

Yet my post was very tame and off-the-cuff compared to what some of the guys at Sons of Sam Horn, Boston Dirt Dogs or Soxaholix can come up with next to no notice.