
Boehner: Obama's Climate Change Proposal Is 'Absolutely Crazy' Because Jobs

piratedan6/22/2013 12:34:56 pm PDT

re: #40 stabby

Oh God what?

We’ve reached peak wingnut. They no longer care how normal people think at all.

“they” don’t consider us “normal”….

They prefer the formerly established gender roles, Dad works and brings home the proverbial bacon. The spouse stays home and keeps house, prepares meals and loves, honors and obeys. The kids go to school, do their chores. They long for Leave It To Beaverland.

If Mom overcooks the roast or little Johnny trashes his bike, she gets a slap to remind her to pay attention to her job and Johnny gets the belt because money doesn’t grow on trees. They don’t want that hierarchy upset, they don’t want to see women as equal partners, or their kids as having issues. Requires too much work and emotional growth.