
Audio Recordings Show Police/FAA Shut Down Airspace Over Ferguson to Keep Media Out

goddamnedfrank11/02/2014 4:40:07 pm PST

Michael Deaver also confirmed the use of Astrology in 2004.

Nancy would call him and tell him what were bad days for her and he would accommodate her by scheduling around them, but Deaver says he never believed in astrology himself.

“I would sometimes get bad dates in advance, when the stars were wrong, and so I’d sort of schedule around those,” he said. “It wasn’t very hard.”

Deaver, who was Reagan’s deputy chief of staff from 1981 to 1985, blamed himself for the news of Nancy’s using an astrologer getting out.

He told Donald Regan, who became chief of staff in 1985, just by way of briefing him. “I figured I should tell Don,” Deaver told Primetime. “I hadn’t told anybody in all those years that I was working.”

It’s weird people still don’t want to believe this happened. It’s not some kind of conspiracy theory, it’s been well documented by multiple sources involved. You can argue that the story got way overblown, and that Nancy was right in that there was no real harm involved, but it absolutely, definitely occurred.