
Astounding Live Jam: Tigran Hamasyan Trio, "The Grid, Out of the Grid"

Cheechako12/31/2020 11:20:44 pm PST

Time: 2200 hours
Date: New Year’s Eve
Location: Mendenhall Valley near Juneau, AK

The “Battle for the Mendenhall Valley” has been ongoing for the past 6 hours. Neither side is willing to surrender. From my home base in the Central Valley it appears there is extensive fighting in all directions. Very loud explosions and multiple aerial flares are coming from all sides. From the noise it seems the Dredge Lake Militia has more heavy weapons than the Riverside Brigade, who appear to only have small arms available.

Each side appears to have a sustainable supply of ammo to continue for a couple more hours.

Listening to the war on the scanner, there are no peace-keeping forces available for this area. Other battles are occurring in Downtown Juneau and on Douglas Island. At this time it is not clear who controls the Juneau - Douglas Bridge. Reports are that possession has change several time.

I have heard frontline rumors that a cease fire will be announced at approximately 0030
hours tomorrow morning.

I hope we can survive that long. The wife is pissed and the dogs are under the covers.

I will hang in to the end.