
US Baptists Accused of Child Trafficking in Haiti

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/01/2010 3:41:09 pm PST

re: #9 Charles

They were taking children away from their parents. You don’t see that as a problem?

At the risk of outraging my friend Guanxi, there could well be a pattern here. My brother “Judas,” who is a Baptist deacon and a prominent member of the lunatic MassResistance hate group, thought it was perfectly fine for him to try to adopt my daughter without my consent and on the basis of perjured testimony. This was done after he developed an adulterous relationship with the baby’s mother (who, incidentally, was married to me at the time) and eventually absconded to another state with mother and daughter both.
It took years to straighten this out and get back my parental rights. “Judas” has always fallen back on his faith in justifying this, since it should have been obvious to anyone that he was a better father by virtue of being a Baptist and married, while I was a cynic and (of course) single after my divorce took effect. His church associates naturally do not believe this story, though it is easy enough to confirm.
I also learned to despise various state adoption and child welfare bureaucrats, most of whom seem to derive sadistic pleasure from conniving ways to unjustly separate children from their natural parents.