
#TwitterGulag: How It Works, and How to Avoid It

Rightwingconspirator6/11/2012 1:32:47 pm PDT

Seems right on topic-Kudos for aggressive anti stalker policy and more for this-

Thank Twitter For Standing Up For User Rights

from the they-earned-it dept

We recently wrote about Twitter’s decision to stand up for a user in court, fighting against a court ruling that said that a user has no proprietary interest in their own tweets and info, such that those users cannot contest a government attempt to subpoena information from Twitter. This is not the first time that Twitter has aggressively stood up for its users’ rights against government excess — in a world where that’s quite rare. When the government comes calling, most companies roll right over. In response to this, the folks over at Fight for the Future have put together a petition page, asking people to sign up to thank Twitter. If they get 50,000 people to sign, they’ll present Twitter with a medal for defending the internet (these medals are awesome).

Given that internet petitions are often done in protest of something or against something, I really like this idea of effectively getting people to sign on for something positive and celebrate a company that does its best to protect the interests of its users. If you agree, head on over and sign up to thank Twitter.