
The Mainstreaming of Ron Paul

Salamantis5/08/2009 6:41:46 am PDT

re: #478 Acidtrash

Well it makes it all the more dumb for right leaning blogs to be hunting down our own when there’s an entire media establishment willing to do it for us. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bachmann scares the pants off the leftoids; we know Palin does. And the right are evidently too busy lynching their heavy artillery.

Frankly I couldnt care less if Bachmann was a creationist Paulist who believes in the resurrection of Elvis so long as she does her job of holding the government to account and she does what she said she’d do on the ticket. The electorate in her state can be the judge. In the meantime the GOP needs to come up with better aguments than the Paulists, starting with a reappraisal of accounting rules and start winning congressmen back into the moderate fold.

That there is Republican drift in Congress to the Paulist cause shows a spectacular failure of leadership.

If the GOP hitches its wagon to the Paulite train, it will be out of power for the forseeable future - and what’s more, it will deserve to be.

I wanna see the Repubs return to bedrock fiscal and foreign policy principles, not glom onto kooky fringe notions - precisely because this country has a GWOT against jihadis to fight, and only the Repubs seem willing to fight it. So I want them to be nationally electable. Which they won’t be if they embrace such loons.