
Anyone for Windows 7?

Gus6/28/2009 10:04:42 pm PDT

re: #474 ShanghaiEd

Gus, thanks for the clarification. My personal pet peeve is the use of the terms “always” or “never,” because when they’re applied to such broad topics as national politics, they’re (almost) never accurate and (almost) always an exaggeration.

And ironically, those extremists we all decry here often got that way by seeing the world in terms of “always” and “never.” Which is how they lost touch with reality. So thanks for humoring me, because I think it’s something important enough to keep bringing up.

OK, so I’m a hypocrite? I attempted to clarify that but remember this. I’m just a 48 year old guy living in an apartment living paycheck to paycheck. I’m not some well off Democrat (or Republican for that matter) with a position in government or that within an NGO. It’s just my opinion after working all day on a project for my freelance work while I’m sitting here having a mug of vodka tonic.

That is all.