
Experts Agree: The White House Needs an Exorcism

Inquisitive1/24/2009 10:45:13 pm PST

re: #469 Hobbes

No, that’s another Ryan. Illinois is not only crooked it’s confusing…too many with the same last names! Her former hubby’s name is Jack. The jailbird governor’s name is George. Jack’s messy divorce got him out of the Senate race against Obama. Jack had a good chance of winning. Alan Keyes lost. Step one for the Messiah in national level politics. God, what a tragic story. Stop me before I add details.

There will be a test, though! Ha.

Yep….Illinois is not only crooked…it is confusing…..I don’t even try to keep them straight…..just know that one gov is serving time….and another may be cell mate…..At least his impeachment trial starts ….Monday!