
David Brooks Smells Something Funny

leereyno3/04/2009 9:25:46 pm PST

Transformational liberalism?

I’m not entirely sure what the transformational bit means, but I’m all too familiar with this usage of the term liberalism.

Lets get one thing straight, lefties are NOT liberals. Lefties are about as liberal as the Nazis were socialist. It makes me want to hit someone every time I see someone fall for their “I’m a liberal” schtick and call them by a title they do not deserve.

Many moons ago the left, tarred by the reality of socialism, communism, and every other form of evil nonsense they backed, began calling themselves “liberals.” Back then, the term liberal meant someone who believed in freedom, individual rights, civic responsibility, and the improvement of society through the private efforts of voluntary associations. If these ideas sound familiar to you, it is most likely because you are a conservative, which is the term that true liberals adopted after their own name was stolen from them by leftists.

I for one think it is high time we reclaimed the word liberal from the left. The first step in this process is to STOP referring to leftists, communists, socialists, “progressives”, etc, etc, as “liberals.” Call them leftists. Call them what they really are.

Don’t help them by referring them with a term whose usage can only be described as ironic when applied to the likes of them.

Obama is not a liberal. Obama is a typical crypto-Marxist masquerading as a moderate.