
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

docremulac3/30/2009 6:18:11 pm PDT

Can I approach this whole man made global warming allegation from a different perspective?

WE don’t have to disprove anything.

Exceptional claims require exceptional proof. The job of proving the Earth is going to end unless you give a particular group of politicians money and power falls upon the shoulders of those making the allegations.

Let me put it this way: I dare anybody out there to prove Bigfoot isn’t going to break into your house in 5 years and pee on your food unless you send me fifty bucks.

And do you think Al Gore will send the money back if his claims turn out to be as bogus as those in “The Population Bomb” book in 15 years? He’ll just say he prevented it by planting a couple of trees. Just like I prevented Bigfoot from breaking into your house and violating your PopTarts.