
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/10/2013 9:24:54 am PST

re: #250 Justanotherhuman

This is how I make a “hamburger”: 1/3 lb chuck (no other cut) hamburger shaped into patty, because chuck is more flavorful, but not as fatty, than the regular crap, and also more flavorful than ground round, which tends to be dry. Fry, but do not press on the meat to make it cook faster, because you’ll lose the juices, but do cook it done on a medium heat (I usually cover because it can splatter).* Place 1 slice of yellow American cheese on top to melt. Prepare a large sesame seed bun with mayo, spread thin, not piled, on one side, your favorite mustard on the other. If they ever make a whole grain sesame seed bun available to me, I’ll use those. Place green leaf or iceberg lettuce on mayo side w/a good slice of ripe tomato, and 3 pickle slices (we prefer bread and butter) on the mustard side on top of a thin, intact slice of Vidalia onion, then the cheese side of burger on top of that. Order of ingredients is important, and all your food groups are in this one sandwich. This isn’t obsession, really, it’s trial and error over the years, and really, anything else is an abomination. Kobe beef smothered with caviar? Truffles? Those aren’t burgers, they’re attention grabbers, as if anyone really cares except the idiots who will pay for them.

That is also how I make turkey burgers because I don’t eat beef. I’ve tried the soy and black bean types, but they just don’t do anything for me and don’t have a good “mouth feel”, either. “‘Burgers” are delicious, simple and all the ingredients are readily available. The burger by itself should be enough—no need for fries, onion rings, etc. You don’t need the extra fat or carbs.


*Sorry, but I don’t believe in eating any animal products rare or partially done.

Now, I need breakfast. : )

If you can find them and like a heat-sweet kick may I suggest substituting bread-and-butter jalapeno peppers for the pickles.