
Let's Call Ted Cruz's Fake Filibuster What It Was: Theater for Morons

A Mom Anon9/25/2013 11:01:02 am PDT

re: #39 lawhawk

I believe you meant rusty pitchfork, but other than that, yes.

Other countries have got to be watching this shit and uttering WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM? Fighting over making sure as many people as possible have healthcare? Seriously? It’s bad how? It’s like Hitler? FFS.

I remember time after time when my son was little we were denied coverage for various types of therapies because autism is a pre-existing condition. I didn’t mind doing so, and don’t regret it now, but I had to give up a shot at a career to learn more about brain development and pediatric neurology and brain function than I ever wanted to learn ever, so I could stay home and be the therapist(s). I’d have a degree (mostly paid for by my employer at the time) and be managing a large retail store right now, maybe even had my own business or something like that, if insurance had covered one damned dime of the things my kid needed when he was little.
Ted Cruz and the rest of these maniacs fuck right the hell off.

He also didn’t talk the whole 21 hours either and EVERY FUCKING headline reads that he did. I’m so over this mess, seriously, in a sane country these fucking people would never have made it through the primary process let alone get elected. Fuck em all with hot rusty pitchforks. Twice.