Comment Bombshell Exclusive: Professor Did Not See Barack Obama at Bill Ayers' House!

jaunte6/04/2012 2:01:01 pm PDT

Heritage Foundation ‘Expert’ Cannot Cite Any Examples Of Actual Voter Fraud

In an interview with Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown this morning, Heritage Foundation senior fellow Brian Darling argued for the importance of Florida-style voter suppression laws in order to stop potential voter fraud. But when pressed by Todd to identify any actual examples of voter fraud, Darling appeared stumped.

DARLING: Yeah, but it’s very hard to catch voter fraud. Look at what James O’Keefe did. He walked into DC, he didn’t have any ID. One of his guy video…
TODD: Did he vote?
DARLING: No, he didn’t vote.
TODD: See?