
Stock Market Yo-Yo Watch

turn3/02/2009 10:40:00 am PST

re: #425 So?

No, not at all. A few days ago on another thread, I forget the topic. Somebody posted that with today’s technology we could easily feed 50 billion people on Planet Earth. He received 3 plus dings in a matter of 5 minutes. I found that statement ludicrous, to which I replied: Well, there’s more to planet “stress” than just food production. Imagine 50 billion people flushing their toilets twice a day as just one small example.

The sarcasm was intended for those who believe we could support 50 billion people right now.

Maybe not now, but it won’t be long IMO. Many people tend to believe technology is advancing in a linear fashion rather than the exponential curve it is actually on. I believe 50 billion will be sustainable in the not to distant future given the advances we will make in molecular nanotechnology for instance.