
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Bails on Donald Trump

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin12/09/2011 8:49:54 am PST

re: #482 Obdicut

Yeah, I understand that. And I always mean small-c confederates, too. I just occasionally fuck up and capitalize it.

I’m sorry, but when you try to make your argument two sentences at a time only in replies, it really doesn’t come across that well. It leaves me largely guessing at what you’re actually saying.

Again: There are a lot of 2nd amendment supporters who believe it to be a right that exists because the cops aren’t always going to be there. I think this is foolish of them, since the statistical likelihood of that scenario is so rare, and the negatives of widely available guns are so large.

Got numbers?

But that view is not at all related to the idea that the 2nd amendment is there so that people can protect themselves against the government.

By conflating the two of them, you are confusing the issue and broadening the term ‘confederate’ so broadly as to sap away any descriptive power it has.

Lol what “descriptive power” did my use of the word confederate ever have? So you think I’ve misapplied it; that’s fine with me.