
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Aye Pod3/30/2009 6:34:27 pm PDT

Again, it seems that the only approach to this problem that AGW sceptics are aware of, or feel comfortable acknowledging is the luddite approach of going back to some kind of pre technological world. for many though, myself included, the real solution is to put lots and lots of cash and man hours into propelling ourselves into the next technological age. (Not to mention that this would also free us of our dependence on Saudi/middle eastern oil)

Giant laser experiment powers up

The US has finished constructing a huge physics experiment aimed at recreating conditions at the heart of our Sun.

The US National Ignition Facility is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion, a process that could offer abundant clean energy.

The lab will kick-start the reaction by focusing 192 giant laser beams on a tiny pellet of hydrogen fuel.

To work, it must show that more energy can be extracted from the process than is required to initiate it.

Professor Mike Dunne, who leads a European venture that is also pursuing nuclear fusion with lasers, told BBC News that if NIF was successful, it would be a “seismic event”.

“It would mark the transition for laser fusion from ‘physics’ to ‘engineering reality’,” he said.