
Outrageous Outrage of the Day, Starring Danny Glover

Fenway_Nation1/15/2010 4:10:43 pm PST
This is the section being pulled out of context:

Lame. Just pathetic that somebody took the time to defend Danny Glover’s statements- or assail his critics as ignorant and opportunistic. Cripes, Charles….why don’t you just type in ‘He meant well’…..

When Curt Schilling wrote a blog entry critical of Martha Coakley on the WEEI blog, all kinds of hacks popped out of the woodwork to assail him as a dumb baseball player who shouldn’t mouth off about politics because he didn’t know what he was talking about. I kinda predicted that the first celubutard who would say something along the lines of what Glover said about Haiti would get a free pass. Sure enough, internationally reknowned foreign policy and climate expert Danny Glover is somehow beyond criticism because his words are ‘taken out of context’…..

BTW….if you go to and type in ‘Haiti’ in the search bar below the ‘Who do you goodsearch for?’ button, more than 50 different charities and relief agencies that do work in Haiti will pop up. If you select one of them and go on to search the web, goodsearch will donate $.01 per search result to the organization you highlighted.

Helps if you’re intentionally vague and then click on some of the results that are automatically suggested…..bumps up the total number of searches done that way.