
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

Afrocity3/12/2009 3:26:12 pm PDT

re: #465 Jim in Virginia

We used to say you had to be careful with the Baylor girls. We assumed their thinking was “I’ll get pregnant. Then he’ll have to marry me. “
Dont know if it ever happened but it was a good story.

I hate to say it but I met more religious hypocrites in Texas then anywhere.
Like the preacher who had myself and another black person over for supper and bible study and expected us to know how to sing because we were black. He gave us some hymn books and we started singing terrible. He stopped playing the organ and said “Can’t you gals do some Aretha type vocals. You are black so I know you got some soul”

I wanted to puke my brisket and cornbread up.